Kalash Establishing in Navratri,
Establishing the ‘Kalash’ has its own significance in the Navratri.On the first day of the Navratri , all devotees following full rituals establish the ‘Kalash’ at their homes / workplace.
According to the scriptures, setting up the Kalash by following all Vedic rites and auspicious timings gives Goddess Durga much happiness which she bestows on her devotees. It has been observed that many a times devotees pray and devote themselves to the Goddess during these nine days, but they are unaware of the procedure of setting up the Kalash.
Given below are some easy to follow rites for setting up the Kalash during this Navratri;
Kalash Establishing in Navratri,
1 : On the first day of the Navratri, in the North –East corner or the eastern corner lay a small table and cover it with a red cloth or a yellow cloth and place an idol or a framed photo-image of Goddess Durga.
2 : Next, on the first day ,taken a earthen vessel [flat base] to sow barley ;how it has to be done is……first lay a layer of soil in the earthen vessel then lay a layer of barley seeds ,cover this layer with a layer of soil and again a layer of barley and so on ;
This has to be done thrice; now water this bed of soil and barley well; once done , place the Kalash [can be of gold ,copper or earthen] on this bed and perform all rituals and offerings of flowers and incense sticks.[It is very important to note that the Kalash can be of gold ,silver ,copper ,brass but by no means should a iron or steel Kalash be placed.]
3 : Fill the Kalash with the water of the Ganges [Ganga Jal] and place sweets, vermillion, panchratna and a silver coin inside the Kalash; now cover the mouth of this Kalash with mango leaves and then place the lid of the Kalash.
The lid should be filled with raw rice. Place a jute-covered coconut, wrapped in a red cloth [chunri] and secured with a sacred thread [kalawa] on this heap of rice; always tie a ‘kalawa’ on the neck of the Kalash.
It is very necessary to see what side does the face of the coconut should be ; the face[top] of the coconut is the side which is attached to its mother tree ; if this side faces upwards it invites illness ,If it is facing downwards, it invites enmity ; if the face is turned towards the east, it foretells monetary losses .,
The best position is to lay the coconut in such a manner that its mouth/top, faces the devotee ; this ensures happiness ,wealth and prosperity.
4 : After this invite all gods and goddesses to come and stay in this Kalash by chanting – “O mother Durga and all revered gods and goddesses, you are requested to come and stay in this Kalash for the Navrtara and bless us with your presence”.
Now light incense sticks and offer flowers ,vermillion and also light a earthen lamp next to the Goddess. Then offer a garland of flowers on the idol of the goddess and offer cardamoms , cloves, sweets ,five dry fruits ,honey etc. and pray to the goddess with folded hands.
5 : If possible ,light a lamp which remains perpetually aflame [Akhand] for all the nine days and nights ; it should be alight permanently for the period of nine days and nights [Akhand Deepak].
It needs to be remembered that if the Akhand Deepak is filled with clarified butter [Ghee] then the lamp needs to be placed on the right side of the idol of the goddess and if it is filled with mustard oil then it needs to be placed on the left of the idol of the goddess.
6 : Also bear it in mind that the Akhand Deepak should always be kept on a bed of rice and ‘seven grains’ ;the rice below invites the graciousness and benevolence of goddess Lakshmi and the ‘seven grains ‘ keep all ills and negativities at bay.
7 : Instead of using a cotton wick in the lamp kept near the goddess ,use a red colored, cotton sacred thread [kalawa];this ensures the benevolence of the goddess on the devotee and his household.
8 : On the eighth or the ninth day ,feed nine young girls and one boy all aged below 10 years and offer them sweets , gifts and monetary donation; also take their assistance to move the ‘Kalash”, which by now would be covered with barley stalks on all sides , slightly from its position .
9 : Now pluck a handful of the freshly grown barley and keep it in the locker or wherever you keep your valuables; this shall ensure all-long prosperity and well-being. The water of the Kalash should be sprinkled all over the house to keep negative energies away and the coconut should be distributed amongst all family members, as the ‘Prasaad’ of the Goddess.
10 : The earthen vessel with the remaining barley plants should be immersed in a flowing water body, before sunset.
Published By : Memory Museum
Updated On : 2021-04-08 02:00:55 PM
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