Q1) What is the importance of Ancestors? What are they?
Ans) Friend, every person has Ancestors and every religion have told about them. It is said in ‘Geeta’, that life and death is the process of body, but soul is immortal. It is present in the universe in any form. As the human body needs everything, similarly, the soul also needs respect, homage, obedience, memories, and religious works. Our forefathers are equal to god. We will always be benefited if, we obey the duties towards our forefathers. And, when they see that the family members memorize them, keep the feeling of obedience and homage towards them. Then, they will feel satisfied and bless their children.

Q2) What is ‘Pitra-dosh’?
Ans) ‘Pitra-dosh’ is very fatal in the present era. Most of the people are suffering from this. The reason of this is, when we are behaving against religion, doing bad deeds, not giving respect to our parents, teachers and elders, ignoring them and don’t remember our Ancestors. Then because of these reasons a person can suffer with economical, physical and mental problems and his life becomes unstable.

Q3) What we have to do to pay homage to our Ancestors and memorize them?
Ans) Our Parents and Grand-parents want that their children to be happy, always progressing and gaining fame for their family, they do all efforts and sacrifices for this. People are bond in worldly relations, but ‘Death’ is universal truth. No one in this world is immortal, whether rich or poor, big or small everyone has to go from here one day. We have to accept this truth that after the death of a person, we have to pay homage to them, memorize the dead person, take inspirations from them and keep their memories in our heart.

Q4) What are the benefits of performing our duties for the dead person?
Ans) The soul is present everywhere, so we should follow the religion, family members should pay homage to their Ancestors and respect them. It is said in the “Hindu Religion” that dead people get salvation when we do religious works like ‘Pind-daan’.

Q5) What benefits we will get by completing our duty according to “Shastra”?
Ans) The deeds of human beings plays a vital role in human life and everyone get results according to their deeds. If we perform our duties for our Ancestors, they not only help us with their blessing but also prevent us from difficulties, as when the GOD will see that we are performing our duties then GOD also enlightened our life.

Q6) What prayer or time we have to devote daily?
Ans) it depends upon you, because when you visit the site it will help you to obey your duties. There is Photo, Video and Graveyard of your late loved ones and music will play according to religion the dead person on the profile page of this site and everyone will get benefit of these prayers. You can do religious prayers according to your convenience.

Q7) On the profile page of this site, we can create profile of only one Ancestor or of many Ancestors?
Ans) You can create the profile of only one Ancestor at a time on the profile page of this site, as the arrangements done here are for one profile only. But, in “family tree” you can keep the information of many Ancestors.

Q8) We have to make the profile at once?
Ans) No, whenever you want to change or update the information, you can update your profile information and can take help if needed.

Q9 What time we have give on this site? Ans) You can give time on this site by your convenience. Through this site, our effort is to memorize of our ancestors and ideals person so that their memories will never get faded. So, you can arrange your profile on this site and invite the people of world, so that most of the people know the name, thoughts and achievements of our Ancestors.

Q10) Can we change the profile after the making it?
Ans ) Yes, you can change the information whenever you want.

Q 11) What we can do changes in the museum and statues, etc after the making?
Ans ) You can make museum and statue according to your choice and if you want so you can change it .

Q 12) what is the “family tree”?
Ans ) “Family-Tree” is a diagrammatic representation of your family / generations. Here you can keep record of your generation / relations. This will help you in knowing your generations and the corresponding relations. By this, you can provide the knowledge of your prosperous family to the world.

Q13) How can we make “Family- Tree” on this site?
Ans) You can add/edit relative of the person who is in root at that time. Here add forms are already given for your convenience, where you can add/ edit the information of your relatives.

Q14) What are the features of “Family-Tree”? How can we see that?
Ans) Since, “Family-Tree” of this type has never been shown on any other site. Hence, we are providing you some important features like:- Generation wise Family list, Relation wise Family list, Relation with the root person, Relation categories, etc. You can see your “Family-Tree” according to the following categories:- Paternal Relations. Maternal Relations. In-Laws Relations.

Q15) Can we make the group of our friends /acquaintances like other Social Networking sites?
Ans) No, you cannot make group of your Friends/ acquaintances like other Social Networking Sites on this site. Would you like to among your Friends/ acquaintances only or you will like to make make the name of your Ancestors immortal make the name of your Ancestors immortal in whole WORLD. With this site you can make the name of your Ancestors immortal in whole WORLD.

Q16) how will my Friends/ acquaintances search my Ancestor’s profile?
Ans ) Any visitor or User can search your name or your Ancestor’s name by name, city, country and religion though SEARCH.

Q17) Can we create a Free Demo profile on this site?
Ans) Yes, you can create a 7 days free demo profile. Then if, you feel you have served your departed loved ones honorably by providing a sacred place to them on this site., Now, more & more people are knowing about them and they are attributing them, praying for their soul’s peace and you are also getting self-satisfaction by this. Then only, you have to pay the contribution money.

Q18) How can we pay on this site?
Ans) You can pay on this site through CC Avenge and pay pal by your Atm/Debit card, Credit Card, Net Banking for six months or annual term.

Q 19) Is the process of payment is safe?
Ans ) Yes, because you pay directly with the CC Avenge and pay pal So, there is no harm in this process , your information is 100% secured and secret. We also don’t know about this.