Saturday, January 18, 2025
HomeYantraSarva Karya Siddi Yantra

Sarva Karya Siddi Yantra

All-Round Success in life

Nav Grah yantra

Sarva karya Siddhi Mantra

मन्त्र — शिव: शक्त्या युक्तों यदि भवति शक्त : प्रभवितुः ।

अवत्स्त्वा मारध्यम हरिहरविरमचादि भिरपि ।

प्रणन्तुम स्त्रोतुमवा कथमकृत पुण्य: प्रभवति ।।

Friends,the current times are full of cut-throat competition. Work surpasses the time people have on hand. Every one is short on time, which has forced people to work beyond their capacities and even then are bereft of the desired results and requisites. People are all the time in search for new ways to attain success, in inter-personal relations, progress and acheivemnts in profession, education, business ,status and overall ,physically,mentally and emotional satisfaction. Despite all his efforts, what he finally atttains are mixed results and his serach for perfection always remains a continuous effort. The ”Sarvkarya Sidhi Yantra” is one such yantra developed over time by the learned sages, which allows one to attain much desired peace,success and tranquility. Daily salutations of this yantra and meditating with a pure heart by seating oneself opposite it shall develop a new level of self-confidence which shall help in overcoming obstacales of life and bring the person closer to his desired goals. Unwanted fears, apprehensions , negativities are washed away and the person develops a much stronger decision making ability which in turn make him more successful and reach his goals in a shorter time frame. The “ Sarva Karya Sidhi Yantra” is definitely a boon for attaining desired goals.

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