Saturday, January 18, 2025
HomeRemediesHome Remedies for Weight Loss

Home Remedies for Weight Loss


To reduce weight and look slim and trim we try all sorts of remedies /exercise /dieting etc .People take memberships in gyms, some resort to dieting while some even start fasting and suppress the natural hunger. We are giving here some tried and tested remedies which shall help you to reduce weight without the fear of side effects. Moreover as they are home remedies, you can find the ingredients in your home itself.

1] Having a glass of warm water mixed with honey on an empty stomach, on awakening is the best way to reduce weight and maintain sugar levels.

2] Having a glass of lemon juice in water in the morning on awakening is also helpful in reducing weight. It also helps in cleansing the system and gives a glow to the skin.

3] Include cauliflower/ cabbage in your diet either cooked or in soup form- as cauliflower has minimum calories it is very beneficial for people looking towards losing weight.

4]One cup of tomato juice ,mixed with one cup of curds, half a spoon of lemon juice, finely chopped ginger , black pepper and salt to taste —-blend all these well in a blender and have a glass full everyday you shall notice your weight reducing by the kilograms. 5] Having tomato and mint leaves in salad form helps in reducing the body fat.

6] Have lots of water; water helps in maintaining the chemical balance of the body and its organs and gives a feeling of fullness; which reduces the diet intake and helps in reducing weight.

7] Researchers in the University of Maryland, USA, have claimed that green tea has special kinds of polyphenols which help in burning the unwanted fat, thereby helping in weight reduction.

8] Have warm water after every meal this not only helps in promoting digestion but also helps in reducing weight.

9] KARONDA juice also helps in reducing body fat and keeps the metabolic rate of the body in perfect balance.

10] It is advised to have the leaves of aloe-Vera which is beneficial to people aiming for weight ;loss.

11] Turning vegetarian will bring about a lot of changes in your life style which will be beneficial and effective. Excess of non-vegetarian food can also lead to deposition of fat and weight gain.

12] Apple has the least amount of calories and also contains pectin which helps in reducing LDL cholesterol. Having two apples a day can reduce the LDL cholesterol considerably and also help in reducing weight.

13] Having 8-9 glasses of water in a day helps in weight reduction; it has been claimed thru many researches that consuming 8-9 glasses of water can help burn up 200 to 250 calories.

14] If you consume fruit juices without adding any extra sugar, they are a healthy way to reduce weight. Soft / Cold drinks are on one hand responsible for weight gain, whereas on the other hand milk, water, coconut water, fruit juices are helpful in reducing weight.

15] If you are too busy to go to a gym or do not fancy lifting weights etc then also you can have the same benefits by maintaining a brisk walking schedule. A brisk walk for a mile [1.6 kms] can help in burning approximately 100 calories ; at this rate if we walk 2 miles, thrice a week [every alternate day] we can reduce our weight by half a kilogram every third week.

16] Green Tea is acclaimed as a big help in weight reduction. Green Tea is loaded with anti-oxidants which are very helpful in weight reduction as well as helping in getting rid of wrinkles. But it should be remembered that green tea should be had without sugar for better and faster results.

17] Having Apple cider with any fruit juice or plain water is very helpful in reducing weight as well as cholesterol.

18] One tea spoonful of mint juice with 2 tea-spoons of honey helps in reducing body fat.

19] Citrus fruits have a lot of Vitamin C which is quite effective in burning body fat, thereby maintaining the body shape.

20] Almonds have fibers which burn the body fat and converts them into strength and vigor. Daily intake of almonds shall keep you trim and most likely you shall never have a paunch. As an evening snack, one should have 15-20 almonds.

21]If you wish to reduce your weight then follow the given procedure for 10 days ,have a betel leaf ,with 5 black pepper corns ,in the morning as well as in the evening on an empty stomach. Do not have anything for at least next one hour. After having it for 10 days cut down the evening dose and have the same only in the morning, same procedure. Continue this for 3 months and you shall see obvious results; care should be taken that the betel leaves are neither black nor dry they should be fresh and crisp.

22] Consuming chilies in your meals is considered a good way to cut down body fat. The chemical, Capsaicin found in chilies alleviates the hunger but increases the energy quotient; which keeps the weight in control. Green or black, both the varieties are beneficial.

23] Another way to reduce weight is wearing a ring made of lead on the ring finger on a Sunday; first ties a black thread on the ring finger and then slip the lead-ring over this black thread in such a way that the thread is completely covered /hidden by the ring ; you shall see amazing results. Lead rings can be easily obtained from a gold-smith or any jeweler.

24] Make a mixture of lemon juice in a liter of luke warm water ; take 50 gms of fresh, green coriander and crush it mix it well in the lemon juice and have it warm; for 15 days in the mornings on an empty stomach; do not have anything after this for at least an hour ; you shall start seeing the difference. This detoxifies the system and betters the digestive process. Also purifies the blood and keeps Blood Pressure under control. Also helps increase the immunity power. Having it regularly for 15 days can help you reduce 5kgs of weight; [always remember that the coriander should be fresh and green].

25] Exerting pressure, whenever you can, on the base of the thumb also helps in reducing weight.

26] Having a glass of Radish juice with half a spoon of lemon juice and black or rock salt to taste will help you in reducing that extra weight much faster ; in a month s time you can look forward to a more shapely you.

27] After meals take a hot cup of water in a tea-cup and sip it like tea; helps in cutting down body fat and keeps weight in check. 28] Cultivate a habit of sucking on black harad after meals this not only cuts down on body fat but also keeps the digestive system intact and helps to reduce flatulence.


Spend less time surfing or chatting on the net walk as much as possible; use the stairs instead of the elevator.

Avoid snacking or overeating. Eat only when you are very hungry and do not drink water in between mouthfuls. Chew your food well and try to have a bit less than required; avoid eating and swallowing the last morsel.

Have a light dinner – soups, plain chapattis and vegetables using minimum oil or fats. You should have your dinner at least two hours before retiring to bed. Walk a minimum of 100 steps before retiring to bed.

Make a habit of having salads or soup before your meals this will not only reduce your hunger but also help in cutting down on body fats.

To remain slim, eat a lots of fruits and salad; with the exception of bananas; Bananas by themselves or in combination with milk speeds up the process of weight gain and accumulation of fat.

Having warm milk with honey also increases body weight.

Warm/Hot Milk infused with raisins, almonds, dates or figs increases the body weight and fat.

You may have dry fruits but avoid raisins; having 25-30 gms of raisins daily will definitely push up the needle on the weighing scale.

Having dry fruits, sweets, butter, honey promote weight gain.

Cold drinks also are responsible for weight gain.

Having two spoons of bitter-gourd juice mixed with the juice of a lemon cuts down the body fat and helps in weight reduction.

Friends this site is absolutely free .if you are in any way being benefitted by the contents of this site or you have found the contents and what is being offered on this site as useful then as a token of your appreciation we request you to kindly visit this site as many times as possible and also ask your friends and relatives to do so and benefit from the remedies,tips and advise that is offered ..THANK YOU !!

Pandit Ji
Pandit Ji
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