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Home Remedies to Increase Memory Power

Remedies to increase memory power


We all aspire to have a strong recapulative power and a sharp memory power– remembering the names / faces of all our near and dears, our everyday routine, what we has learnt and our daily needs. It is a fact that a person with a sharp memory attains more success in life – it could be his student life, his professional life or his personal life. A person with a sharp mind will always stand out in a crowd.

A person having a combination of hard work and a powerful mind has no limits to success.

In the hustle bustle of our daily lives quite often we miss out or forget some issues, which may later turn in to a bigger problem, leading to all sorts of troubles. This forgetfulness trait, thru various stages, runs thru children, adults and the aged, alike – although it must be noted that the recapulation power of the brain does diminish as we age.

Normally, only 5-8 % of our brain is in the active state; the rest lies dormant, to activate the dormant part of our brains there are specific, yet simple methods which one should practice. Such simple methods are given below which shall help all individuals which practice them to empower the brain and making it more active and give us a sharper memory. These are very simple home remedies and should definitely be practiced by students for their benefit.

1] BRAMHI […………….]– a tried and tested herb that helps in improving the brain-power. Just a spoonful a day is sufficient with trusted benefits that are vouched for. Packed with anti-oxidants, Bramhi not only increases memory-power but also helps in increasing brain –stamina; even after an arduous day the brain is fresh and willing to do more.

2] BADAAM [ALMONDS] – They increase the work power /stamina of the brain to a great extent. Soak 5 almonds in water overnight and after peeling off their skin ,make a smooth paste ; mix this paste with 2 spoonful of honey in luke warm milk ,mix well and drink – do not have anything else to eat or drink for the next I hour – regular intake of this concoction shall make the brain akin to a computer. Having 10 almonds, soaked in water overnight and similarly peeling their skin and mixing it with 10 gms. butter and 10 small pieces of sugar-candy [mishri] is known to put an end to forgetfulness.

3] AKHROT [WALNUTS]– consuming walnuts on a regular basis helps in sharpening the brain and memory power. If you have noticed, the shape of the walnut [from inside] is just like the brain in shape and appearance. It is advised to have 20gms of walnuts and 10gms of raisins [kishmish] daily for optimum benefits. It should also be borne in mind that the quantity specified above is for during winter months; in summers it should be reduced to half.

4] ALSI KA TAIL [Linseed Oil] – increases the memory and concentration power. The brain always remains alert with regular use of this oil and also helps in keeping away any disease of the brain. Students and professionals are advised to consume this oil on a regular basis.

5] DAAL- CHINI [CINNAMON]– After dinner ,before retiring for the night ,have 10gms of cinnamon mixed with honey ; helps in alleviating brain weakness and also increases the concentration power and mental alertness.

6]KAALI MIRCH –[BLACK PEPPER] – Having 6-7 black-pepper corns with about 25-30 gms of butter mixed with sugar-candy[Mishri] helps in fighting forgetfulness and keeps the mind sharp and alert.

7] AAWLAY KA MURABBA – [GOOSEBERRY MARMALADE] – having it the first thing in the morning after awakening keeps the mind and the heart strong and healthy.

8] GULKAND – [ROSE PETAL PASTE] – Especially students should consume at least two-three spoonful of Gulkand as it increases the recapitulation and enhances the memory power.

9]SPINACH [PAALAK]– As spinach is loaded with folic acid and B9 vitamin , it is very beneficial for the brain ; spinach also has good quantity of B2 and B6 , which help in enhancing alertness and building a sharp memory. Spinach has Omega 3 fatty acids which are very essential for the development of the brain .It helps in increasing the memory power, concentration and fights mental fatigue. Spinach also has Vitamin A, K, E, C and other essential minerals like Magnesium, Calcium and Zinc, making it a wholesome beneficial vegetable and a must on every platter.

Though, it is advised that people suffering from any renal ailment, including kidney –stones, are advised not to include spinach in their diet.

10] WHEAT GRASS JUICE – having it regularly helps in enhancing memory and recapitulation power.

11] DARK CHOCOLATES – helps in increasing the working capacity of the brain – but one should have it in limited quantity as it increases the body fat.

12] BLUE BERRIES[JAAMUN] – during summers one should have these berries as they help in brain development and memory power ; As it contains Fesetin ,a compound, very essential in helping us dig out old memories – read / heard /seen, lodged in the remote corners of our brains.

13] PURE CLARIFIED BUTTER MASSAGE – [GHEE] – made of cow’s milk is very helpful and effective in rejuvenating the brain and memory.

14] PULSES [URAD DAAL] – soak it overnight in water and then in the morning grind it into a smooth paste – mix it with milk and sugar candy [mishri] and have it regularly ; helps in sharpening the brain.

15] CARROT – HALWA [GAJAR HALWA] – grated carrot cooked with milk, in pure ghee [clarified butter], makes a tasty porridge/halwa – having it occasionally helps in increasing the brain power. Carrots are also loaded with anti-oxidants, which are very useful and beneficial for the eyes, heart and our mental faculties. They also help in increasing our immunity power.

16] SESAME SEEDS [TIL] – it is considered very useful in increasing memory power. Prepare a sweet meat of sesame seeds with jaggery and consume it regularly, helps in enhancing the powers of the brain.

17] LIQUORICE [ MULETHI] – very beneficial for the brain and is specially advised for students appearing for competitive exams, as it sharpens the brain and its recapitulation powers.

We fully trust that if the above remedies are practiced regularly, as advised, they shall definitely benefit the individual. Remedies on this site are based on research articles and ayurvedic advisories; before starting any remedy you are advised to consult your local doctor/physician. Do not discontinue any medication which you have been advised by your doctor and it is also suggested and strongly advised that you use your discretion before starting any of these remedies.

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Pandit Ji
Pandit Ji
MemoryMuseum is one of the oldest and trusted sources to get devotional information in India. You can also find various tools to stay connected with Indian culture and traditions like Ram Shalaka, Panchang, Swapnphal, and Ayurveda.


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